ACC Retirement and Insurance Administration Sheryl Steines
(Winter hours until 3:30pm)
Sheryl Steines graduated with a degree in English from Wright State University. She has used her degree to write policy and procedures and manage projects for companies across a wide range of industries from cosmetic, medical, financial, technical, and fiction.
She is new to the ACC and working as the ACC Retirement and Insurance Administrator. Sheryl is excited about the new opportunities ACC affords and looks forward to working with the staff, board, and members.
She grew up in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. and was a member of Temple Chai in Long Grove, Il, where she was a member of the youth group and the sisterhood. She still lives in the area.
When Sheryl isn’t working, she’s antiquing, traveling, decorating, or writing as she is a published author and a member of the Authors Guild.