ACC Code of Ethics and Reporting Process

As Jewish religious leaders and role models, cantors are called upon to exemplify and abide by Judaism's highest moral and ethical ideals. Should any of us fail, we are obligated by Jewish tradition to do t’shuvah: that is, to acknowledge the misconduct, ask for forgiveness, make restitution whenever possible, and avoid repetition of misconduct.

Therefore, in alignment with its Mission and Guiding Principles, the American Conference of Cantors establishes the following Code of Ethics, requiring all members of the ACC to abide by it. Improprieties in any of the provisions of this code will subject an ACC cantor to a review by the Committee on Ethics and Appeals.

American Conference of Cantors Code of Ethics

  • Adopted by the membership of the ACC June 27, 1995
  • And amended June 28, 2011 in Boston, Massachusetts
  • And amended December 10, 2013 in San Diego, California
  • And amended April 15, 2016 by Board Web Conference
  • Restated and adopted by the ACC Membership on June 10, 2024

Click for the list of ACC members who have been suspended, resigned, or expelled from membership.