Cantor Leigh Korn
Cantor Leigh Korn joined the clergy team at Temple Isaiah in 2005 and senior clergy team in 2016. He earned a Bachelor of Music degree from the University of the Pacific Conservatory of Music in bassoon performance and a Master’s degree in choral conducting from the University of Iowa. While studying in Israel, he worked with Tzi’im, a choir of disabled adults, which included preparing them for a performance at the K’nesset. Cantor Korn has served pulpits in Washington Township, NJ and Falls Church, VA. In 2004, he earned a Masters of Sacred Music degree from the Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion School of Sacred Music, and in 2005, became ordained as cantor. He conducted the Delegates’ Choir at the Union for Reform Judaism Biennial Convention in 2009 in Toronto, in 2017 in Boston, and in 2019 in Chicago, and co-led services in 2015 in Orlando. In 2010, Cantor Korn was one of 20 cantors invited to sing at the Vatican for an historic concert as a part of a conference on Jewish-Catholic Dialogue. Cantor Korn also serves on the board of the American Conference of Cantors and received the ACC President’s Award.