ACC News

Nava Tehila Online Bet Midrash offers international classes with Rabbi Ruth Gan Kagan for Rabbis, Cantors, Rabbinic & Cantorial students & experienced prayer leaders

August 23, 2016

Fall Semester:

Boi Kallah - Unlocking the Mysteries of Kabbalat Shabbat 
starting Tuesday, September 13, 12 weeks (Break over October)
Tuesdays: 9 am Pacific/12 pm Eastern/5 pm England/ 7 pm Israel

As a Kabbalistic ceremony developed in 16th century Tzfat, Kabbalat Shabbat took the Jewish world by a storm to become one of our favorite prayer services. At the same time, most of us, even prayer leaders,  know very little about the many levels of meaning encrypted in this short service. You are invited to join me for a fascinating journey into the secrets of Kabbalat Shabbat. From the ancient myths of creation, through Talmudic mysteries, Zoharic legends and Lurianic and Cordovero’s Kabbala.

Sources in Hebrew and English will be provided.
Register here

Spring Semester:

Yedid Nefesh & Ana B’khoach - Kabbalistic Hymns Decoded (Kabbalat Shabbat part 2)
12 weeks starting January 2017
Tuesdays: 9 am Pacific/12 pm Eastern/5 pm England/ 7 pm Israel

These two beloved Piyutim are now part of Kabbalat Shabbat services. Their beautiful words hide fascinating layers upon layers of meanings and rich Kabbalists practices. Join me in a journey of discovery, delving into texts and musical renditions.

Register to this class

Practical information

Online classes using ZOOM video conferencing. You may connect by phone, or watch classes in a time best for you.
$500 for each 12 weeks course. Sliding scale and payment plans available, just note this in the comments area - (please don't be shy to ask for what you need :).

Technology: Classes are held through a video conference, where you can interact, comment and ask questions. You can also join the class by phone or hide your video if you choose to. has an app for your phone or tablet or can be downloaded to your computer. You can also elect to watch or listen to the class any time, as we upload it to a student only zone.
For questions email
Rabbi Ruth Gan Kagan is founder and spiritual leader of Nava Tehila, a Jewish renewal community in Jerusalem. Ruth teaches in Israel and internationally and co-authored, with Rabbi Zalman Shachter-Shalomi z”l, the Hebrew book Jewish Renewal - Integrating Heart and World (2006). Ruth works as a mentor with rabbis, cantors and  rabbinic students from all denominations in the art of leading meaningful prayers.  She creates, together with her colearders, new music for prayer that is uploaded to their YouTube channel, and free sheet music. Nava Tehila albums are Waking Heart and Dancing in the Glory and a new one in the making.