Mazel tov to the 2019-2022 ACC Officer Team
The voting process for the new Officer Team of the ACC is now concluded. We are pleased to announce that the following colleagues have been affirmed by your votes to serve a three year term to commence with their installation on Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at the Atlanta Convention.
Claire Franco - President
Seth Warner - VP of Internal Policy and Administration
Joshua Breitzer - VP of Member Relations and External Partnerships
Erin Frankel - VP of Professional Development, External Policy & Placement
Deborrah Cannizzaro - Secretary
Jamie Marx - Treasurer
With this vote, we have entrusted the continued leadership of our Conference to their most capable hands and extend our thanks and good wishes for their success.
ACC Nominations Committee
Cantors Wendy Autenrieth (South), Jordan Franzel (East), Jeff Klepper (East), Josee Wolff (east), David Rosen (Board), Jonathan Grant (West), Steven Weiss (Ex-officio), and Mark Goldman (Chair).