Join the ACC on a Musical Heritage Journey to Argentina
Join your cantor, other members of the ACC, and congregants from all over the world on this unforgettable tour to Argentina February 15-24, 2025 with Ayelet Tours!
We have cantors from all over joining this mission! Cantor Tracey Scher, Cantor Claire Franco, Cantor Seth Warner, Cantor Lori Wilinsky Frank, Cantor Julie Neer Berlin, Cantor Michael Mandel, Cantor Regina Lambert-Hayut, Cantor Jennifer Frost Prass, Cantor Nancy Kassel, and Cantor Suzanne Bernstein!
Don't see your cantor listed? Ask us about how to join the trip anyway!
We are having a Zoom information session on Wednesday, September 25 at 6:30 p.m. EDT and we invite you to join us to hear more. Register in advance for this meeting: https://www.accantors.org/.../acc-musical-mission...
We will discover the sights, scents, spirit and song of Jewish life in Argentina! Argentina’s Jewish history dates to 1492, linked to the expulsion of Jews from Spain. Conversos or “secret Jews” settled in Argentina, making efforts to blend in with the general population. From the mid-19th century on, Jews continued to make Argentina their home due to the country’s open-door immigration policy. Today, Jews are an active part of Argentine society, and many are prominent figures in the arts, film, music and journalism.
We will travel to Iguazu Falls to explore the natural beauty of the Brazilian and Argentinian sides of the falls. The falls consists of 275 different waterways that come together and fall 250 feet in a crescendo of astounding beauty. Iguazu Falls are wider than Victoria Falls, higher than Niagara Falls and more beautiful than both!
Still want more? Travel on one of three possible extensions!
• Mendoza – Argentina’s Wine Country
• Montevideo
• Patagonia
This will be a journey to remember! Need more information? Visit the Ayelet Tours website (https://secure.ayelet.com/ACCArgentina2025.aspx) for details and to register! or email the ACC office for more information at rroth@accantors.org or Ayelet Tours at doron@ayelet.com