Five PHRASES to try to AVOID in a Limited-Service Contract
Five PHRASES to try to AVOID in a Limited-Service Contract
If you have a limited-service agreement with your synagogue, do everything you can to make sure that it is accompanied by a very detailed job description.
In that written agreement, do everything you can to avoid the following phrases:
Cantor Plonit will perform XXX duties:
• “as needed”
• “occasionally”
• “when asked”
• “at the discretion of…”
• “when the Rabbi is away”
They are ambiguous phrases and can lead to distorted or misunderstood expectations on either side.
If the congregation insists on that kind of language in your contract, you could ask them to consider adding language that indicates that a particular duty would be “performed no more than X times during any contractual year”.
Overall, you want to ensure that your contract reads clearly and is understood the same way by all parties. Remember, always have it reviewed by an attorney and financial advisor before you sign it. I am here for any support and assistance that I can offer along the way.
Cantor Gail Hirschenfang
Director of Member Support
(845) 559-3818