American Conference of Cantors Condemns Hatred & Bigotry
(Schaumburg, IL) American Conference of Cantors President Steven Weiss issued this statement on behalf of the ACC in light of the events unfolding in Charlottesville, Virginia:
“In the aftermath of the neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville the unspeakable and senseless loss of life and the disappointing response by the person sitting in the highest office in our country, the American Conference of Cantors sends an unequivocal message of condemnation against hatred and bigotry. White supremacy has no home here in our country, founded on principles of tolerance and equality for all. As Jewish professionals, we have an obligation to speak out, stand up, and help be the change that is needed in this world. Because our world desperately needs change right now. Let’s do out part to be beacons of light to forever cast away this horrible darkness.”
During difficult times, we seek peace, comfort, meaning, and most of all, healing. One can begin that search with music. Following is songwriter Todd Herzog's Prayer for Healing (here sung by Cantor Hayley Kobilinsky from Shabbat Anthology Volume VIII). We hope this prayer of healing helps bring us together as Americans and inspires us as Jewish professionals.
About the ACC:
Founded in 1953, the American Conference of Cantors is a thriving professional organization that currently represents over 500 cantors in North America and around the world as k'lei kodesh (holy vessels), serving the diverse needs of K'lal Yisrael (the Jewish people). The ACC exists to support its members in their sacred calling as emissaries for Judaism and for Jewish music. We draw upon the energies and aspirations of our members through a shared and dynamic vision of programs and initiatives that respond to the needs of the greater Reform community.
The ACC inspires its members to embrace a multi-faceted vision of the cantorate. This vision is realized through programs and initiatives that will ensure a strong and successful organization. Each such effort is conceived according to carefully determined goals and criteria. Through our members we provide our communities with a compelling experience of text, music, learning, relationship to one another and connectedness to God. We establish our organization as a self-assured and securely funded entity, acting in full partnership with other representational bodies of the Reform Movement and worldwide Jewry.