The American Conference of Cantors (ACC) <www.accantors.org>, a non-profit organization dedicated to the professional growth
and development of cantors in the Reform Movement, announces the addition of Rachel Turry as Managing Director and Cantor Debra
Stein as the Director of Advocacy. Additionally, Cantor Barbara Ostfeld continues in her role as Director of Placement, and Cantor
Gail Hirschenfang expands her role from Interim Director to the Director of Member Support.
Turry, a native of Chicago, joined the American Conference of Cantors August 1, 2007. She brings extensive experience in non-profit
management from her position as the Temple Administrator at Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El of Plantation, Florida, a congregation of over
1,100 family members. In addition to running the day-to-day operations of the congregation, Turry managed several major projects
during her tenure. Those projects included the expansion of the Kol Ami Emanu-El Day School campus; building a swimming pool for use
by the students and campers; the integration of the staff, artifacts, and congregants from Temple Emanu-El after the merger of the two
synagogues; the restoration of the campus after the 2005 Hurricane season; and the design and permitting phase of a new Early
Childhood School Building. An active member of the National Association of Temple Administrators (NATA), Turry is currently working on
her thesis paper for her Fellow of Temple Administration. She is a graduate of Indiana University.
Stein’s appointment as the part-time volunteer Director of Advocacy is a new endeavor for the ACC. She will work closely with the
elected leadership team to further the goals and guiding principles of the Conference. She will be the external "face and voice" of the
ACC and represent the ACC to partner and affiliate organizations, including the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ), Central Conference of
American Rabbis (CCAR), and Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR). Stein’s knowledge of the institutions, the
professional and lay-leaders, and the goals of the ACC will enable her to be a proactive advocate for the cantorate at all levels of the
Reform Movement.
Ostfeld, history’s first woman cantor was invested by the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, School of Sacred Music
(HUC-JIR, SSM) in June of 1975, continues as the ACC's Placement Director. Ostfeld has provided dedicated and compassionate service
to ACC members and the congregational search committees involved in the placement process. Ostfeld has served the ACC as secretary,
vice president and as a northeast regional representative. She has served several terms on its board of directors. From 1996 to 1998,
she chaired the Joint Cantorial Placement Commission, which includes representatives of the URJ, HUC-JIR and the ACC.
Hirschenfang’s role has been expanded for the coming year. As the newly defined Director of Member Support, she will continue to
facilitate partnerships between ACC members and their fellow clergy, temple leaders and congregants. Her responsibilities include
assisting ACC members in their professional duties including those related to synagogue-staff relationships, contracts and contract
negotiations, and job performance reviews. Hirschenfang was invested in 1981 by the Hebrew Union College School of Sacred Music, as
one of the first women cantors.
Cantor Kay Greenwald, President of the ACC, commented, “We are excited to have the new members of the Professional Staff on board.
The elected leadership of the Conference is looking forward to working together to advance the guiding principles of the Conference.”
Other officers include: Cantor Rosalie Boxt, Vice President; Cantor Susan Caro, Vice President; Cantor Mark Goldman, Vice President;
Cantor Seth Warner, Secretary; and Cantor Linda Ecker, Treasurer.