ACC E-note E-note #90: Election Results for ACC Officer Positions 2010-2013
Dear ACC,
The voting process for the new Officer Team of the ACC is now concluded. We are pleased to
announce that the following colleagues have been affirmed by your votes to serve a three year term
to commence with our upcoming Memphis convention:
- Susan Caro - President
- Mark Goldman - VP of Internal Policy and Administration
- Kerith Spencer-Shapiro - VP of Member Relations and External Partnerships
- Claire Franco - VP of Professional Development, External Policy & Placement
- Tanya Greenblatt - Secretary
- Peter Halpern - Treasurer
With this vote, we have entrusted the continued leadership of our Conference to their most capable
hands and extend our thanks and good wishes for their success.
I also would like to take this opportunity to commend the work of our Nominations Committee
(Cantors Jill Abramson, Wendy Autenrieth, Jordan Franzel, Jonathan Grant, Kat Hastings, Jeff
Klepper, Sarah Sager, and Kay Greenwald, ex officio) who have given an extraordinary amount of
time to this process and continue to do so through our upcoming election of the regular Executive
Board members.
Yours b'shalom,
Mark Childs
Chair, ACC Nominations Committee