ACC E-note #99: Continuing Education Recognition Program
The ACC is excited to announce the initiation of our Continuing Education Recognition Program. It is
open to all members in good standing and is on the honor system. It recognizes the need to study
beyond that which accredits us to become cantors. This is a program of internal recognition, not of
industry certification. Members will submit their hours via a designated form to the ACC office. A
minimum of 3 hours in at least two categories (more about this below) is required for all recognition
levels. Please follow this link to the ACC website for more information.
The levels are:
- L'vavcha: 18 hours-to be completed in one year
- Nafsh'cha:36 hours-can be completed in either one or two years
- M'odecha:72 hours-can be completed in either one or two years
Our 12 month period will run January 1 through December 31. We joyfully anticipate celebrating with
our first group to be recognized at our 2012 Convention.
This means you get to start tracking your hours beginning January 1 of 2011. That is now!
What hours will count?
Time engaged in: workshops, seminars, ACC conventions and CCPD offerings, music lessons,
coachings, Chevrutah study, retreats and scholarly lectures, college courses, course work leading to
accreditation, etc. Basically, any study not occurring in the normal preparation for our daily work.
Categories (for a fuller description of each and where these came from, see the ACC website)
- Musician
- Teacher
- Advocate (Social Justice work)
- Counselor
- Manager
- Leader
- Spiritual Guide
- Steward (Ethnomusicology, specifically being a bridge from the past to the future)
What do I get?
This is for internal recognition, not for accreditation. You will receive something suitable for framing
and bragging rights. (We want to see you in Portland!) Seriously, we know it's important for our
professional health, it's Torah Lishmah and it's fun.
More information will be forth coming. Any specific questions may be directed to Sharon Kohn, CCPD sub-committee chair ( or 913-221-1406).
Cantors Shira Nafshi and David Berger on behalf of the
Committee for Continuing Professional Development