ACC E-Note #69: Director of Advocacy Job Posting Announced
Dear Friends,
As chair of the ACC Personnel Committee, I am hoping that you you will give serious consideration to the position described in the link below. We believe that the Director of Advocacy is crucial to the strength and effectiveness of the ACC and of the Reform Cantorate. This is a separate position from the Director of Member Support, which is capably filled by Cantor Gail Hirschenfang. As you will see in the job description posted in the "members only" non-pulpit placement section (requires login) of the ACC website, the Director of Advocacy will be the external "face and voice" of the ACC. The person who assumes this role will represent and advocate for our interests and concerns with the URJ, the CCAR and HUC. We are looking for an individual who will be "strong and of good courage," articulate and persuasive without being off-putting. This is clearly a very sensitive position that requires great tact, grace and diplomacy. While we are most anxious to fill this position, we will only go forward when we are confident that we have the right person. If you have any interest in becoming the Director of Advocacy, or know of someone whom you think would be an excellent candidate, would you please contact me as soon as possible or submit the application posted on the on the website on the "members only" non-pulpit placement section (requires login) as indicated?
I thank you all, in advance, for your interest and your support.
With every good wish,
Cantor Sarah Sager
Chair, ACC Personnel Committee