ACC E-Note #42: ACC to Launch Hadrachah Program
From: accmemberservices [mailto:memberservices@accantors.org]
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 3:11 PM
To: accmemberservices
Subject: E-Note #42: ACC to Launch Hadrachah Program
One of the recommendations of the Special Task Force chartered in June 2004 was the establishment of a Placement Advisory Group. This committee was chartered in October 2005 to support, to advise, and to deliberate with the Placement Director in regard to relationships with placement candidates, the JCPC, and congregations, giving counsel on difficult decisions that must often be made during the course of the placement process—all in the strictest of confidentiality. The members of this group are Susan Caro, Mark Goldman, Audrey Halpern, and Kari Siegel-Eglash; all are committed to fulfilling these roles with the greatest of integrity and a deep commitment to the well-being of our membership.
In order to support newly invested and certified cantors who are entering the congregational workplace for the first time, we are delighted to announce the establishment of a "Hadrachah” program.
We're looking for experienced cantors, with years of accumulated field wisdom to act as madrichim for new colleagues or for those who find themselves at critical career junctures. If you can meet the criteria listed below, and are interested in participating in this program, please contact Mark Goldman at cantormg@aol.com, putting the word “Hadrachah” in the subject line.
Criteria for Madrichim
i) Five years of full-time Cantorial experience
ii) A record of positive congregational evaluations
iii) Superior organizational and interpersonal skills
iv) A desire to support your colleagues
v) The ability to maintain contact, preferably face-to- face, no less than once a month, for a period of one year.
You should have the following qualities in abundance:
1 Kindness
2 Sincerity
3 Warmth
4 Approachability
5 Professionalism
6 Confidentiality
7 Menschlichkeit
We’ve very appreciative of everyone’s efforts to support our membership.
Placement Advisory Group