Postponed: Developing Our Listening Skills: Listening to Each Other & to Ourselves


We will reschedule this program for later this summer or early fall. Stay tuned for a new date and time. 

Cantors today wear many hats: we are spiritual leaders, educators, advocates, guides, counselors and more. The ability to actively listen to those around us and to our own selves is an essential skill, modern day cantors need to possess in order to be effective leaders in the Jewish community. Join us for an interactive webinar that will scroll over the concept of listening in our tradition, introduce and explore basic listening skills, and discuss the importance of cultural awareness and attunement to the different worldviews of people around us.

Click here to register.

smiling woman with medium length brown hair. wearing a colorful kippah, black shirt and green jacket

Cantor Maria Dubinsky was ordained as a Cantor from HUC-JIR in 2010. After serving as a congregational Cantor in Temples Shaaray Tefila in NY, NY, and Avodat Shalom in River Edge, NJ, for a decade, Maria had decided to pursue a career of a counselor in order to enrich her spiritual counseling and interpersonal skills. Maria had graduated with a master’s degree in School Counseling from Capella University and obtained her school counseling certifications in the states of NJ and NY in 2023. Maria had recently completed her Clinical Mental Health Counselor’s extension in William Paterson University, and is now in a process of obtaining her Professional Counselor’s license. Maria’s goal is to continue to serve the Jewish community as a cantor, while engaging and utilizing her counseling skills as counselor and educator.