ACC-AJRCA Pilot Program for Accelerated ACC Associate Membership

The ACC, through its support for and cultivation of excellence among cantors, strengthens Reform Jewish life in North America. ACC cantors are equipped to be attentive to the joys and challenges that members within a congregation face over the course of their lives, using both their unique calling to music and prayer and their shared responsibilities for offering spiritual leadership to congregations. ACC members also can help lead their congregations and by extension, the Reform Jewish movement in North America, to a bright future.

The ACC maintains rigorous standards for ordination/certification, offers deep support for the professional needs of cantors, advocates with passion for the evolving role of the cantorial vocation, and cultivates ever-increasing professional excellence among its members.

Committed. Sacred. Strong. Beautiful. Forward-Facing.

The ACC is pleased to announce the ACC-ARJCA Pilot Program for Accelerated ACC Associate Membership. 

During academic years 2025 through 2027, final-year AJRCA cantorial students who wish to become members of the American Conference of Cantors may choose to apply for membership through the following process:

  • Fill out the ACC-AJRCA Pilot Associate Membership Application and return it to the ACC office for processing along with the following documentation:

    — A current copy of your resume.

    — Proof of the candidate’s Baccalaureate degree (or its equivalent) and Master’s degree (if other than the anticipated MA from AJRCA). Either a photo or    copy of the diploma or transcripts from the institution will suffice.

    —Letters of recommendation:

    1. Two letters of recommendation from current members in good standing of the ACC who are familiar with the candidate’s personal qualities and professional work.
    2. Two letters of recommendation from individuals with whom the candidate has worked in a professional capacity.
    3. Two letters of recommendation from individuals with whom the candidate has a personal relationship.
  • A personal essay, no longer than eight double-spaced pages in length, describing your vision of the Reform cantorate and how you view your personal cantorate in the context of Reform Jewish life. This essay should include your perception of and commitment to the Reform Movement, including various experiences and an articulated understanding of the tenets and practices of Reform Judaism. In addition, the essay should explore your full understanding of Reform Judaism and Jewish music through your personal relationship to Reform Judaism as manifest through spiritual, intellectual, and ritual expressions.
  • Enroll in the “mini-mester” of five sessions, three hours per session, as offered by ARJCA. This mini-mester will be preparation for the written and oral evaluation by the adjudication committee. The course will be offered during early January of each year. The evaluation will take place in conjunction with the annual January AJRCA retreat in California. 

At the conclusion of this course of study, candidates will be assessed according to existing ACC External Membership policy: through a combination of written essays, a short musical program, and an interview with a panel of adjudicators composed of AJRCA administration/alumni and ACC leadership. All adjudicators are ACC members in good standing. 

Successful candidates are recommended for ACC Associate Membership by the ACC External Testing Committee, to be voted upon by the ACC Executive Board in accordance with existing ACC External Membership policy.


  • January: Mini-mester offered, candidates tested by panel of AJRCA instructors, alumni who are ACC members/leaders. 
  • February/March: ACC executive board votes recommended candidates into associate membership. Hadracha mentors are assigned. Retirement and insurance plan eligibility begin
  • March/April: Successful candidates eligible to enter ACC placement as associate members as per JCPC Placement Procedures
  • August: ACC Associate Membership Dues are payable. 


  • Successful candidates for ACC Associate Membership through the pilot program are assigned mentors and go through the two-year ACC Hadracha (mentoring) program.
  • Unsuccessful candidates may still test into ACC Associate Membership the following year, up to two more times, in accordance with ACC External Membership policy. Candidates may test up to three times for membership in the ACC.
  • This pilot program would run for placement years 2024-25, 2025-26, and 2026-27. The ACC Executive Board would re-evaluate the program no later than June 2027.
  • The ACC Code of Ethics and Joint Cantorial Placement Commission Procedures (JCPC) and be found on the ACC Governing Documents page of our website.